Charter, Strategic Plan, Annual Plan and Annual Reporting 2017

Good afternoon. On our website our 2018 - 2020 Charter, Strategic Plan, Annual Plan and 2017 Annual Reporting is available to view and comment on if required. The cut off date for feedback has been set to the 20 February 3pm. There is a feedback form available on our website or please just come in and see the principal if required. Kind regards

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Tip For Parents

Give your child every opportunity to read to you daily. Ten minutes of reading five times a week = 50 minutes of reading time a week.

If you did this for a minimum of 35 weeks a year we have your child engaging in text for 29 hours extra every year! That 29 hours helps your child read better because they do more miles, are exposed to many words, and importantly are exposed to many ideas through the text.

It is a win - win for all concerned!

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