3 Way Conference - Tuesday 30 July from 1pm - 6.30pm and Wednesday 31st July from 3.15 - 6.30pm.

 3 Way Conferences

Our 3 way conferences are scheduled for Term 3 on Tuesday 30 July from 1pm - 6.30pm and Wednesday 31st July from 3.15 - 6.30pm. Remember school will close at 12.20pm on Tuesday, but the normal time on Wednesday. We ask for all children to be picked up at 12.20pm on Tuesday. You can use the QR code below or go to https://www.schoolinterviews.co.nz/code/9rted and book a time that suits you. If no bookings are made by Thursday 25th July, a time for you will be set for staff and this will be sent home via your child’s bag.


3 way conferences Tuesday 13th February 1 - 7pm and Wednesday 14th February 3.15 - 6.30pm

Kia ora Netherby School Community.

As usual we will hold our 3 way conferences early in term 1.

Conference dates are:

Tuesday 13th February from 1 - 7pm.  School closes at 12.20pm

Wednesday 14th February from 3.15 - 6.30pm. Normal school day.

We ask to collect your child early on Tuesday.

Follow the QR link or the weblink.


If we do not have a booking from you at a preferred time set by you by February 8th we will set a time for you and get it home to you via your child's school bag.  
We wish for 100% attendance as talking to your teacher with your child is very important for all of us. 


School's Policies and Procedures

 Hi all.

Just a reminder you can access our school's policies and procedures at anytime at all and even contribute to the reviews.  We want your input.

Site: https://www.schooldocs.co.nz/

Search in search tab: Ashburton Netherby School

Community Username: netherby

Password: quality


Thanking our Skool Loop sponsors.



Powhiri - Explained and Experienced.



Bi Annual Whānau Hui 2.45pm 31st October 2023

Kia ora koutou 

Our bi - annual face to face Whānau Hui is scheduled for Tuesday 31st October at the school hall.  We are as usual excited to invite all of our Māori Community to attend.  

Agenda as follows:
2.45pm - Seated in the hall
2.50pm - Kapa haka performance to welcome whānau
3.00pm  - Karakia 
3.03pm - Principal's welcome

3.05 pm onwards - Open korero, mix and mingle, parent survey, local curriculum links

3.45pm - Pizza

4.00pm - Closing karakia

We understand the 31st is Halloween, but history shows the whānau hui bi - annual meetings are wrapped at 4pm.

Ngā mihi nui 
Phil Wheeler 
Ashburton Netherby School  

Showcase Community Event – Term 3, 2023

When: Wednesday 13th September

Time: 1:30pm

Where: Netherby School Hall

Netherby School warmly invites you to come and see what we have been learning in Term 3 as part of our Nga taonga o te Iwi unit. Each class will be performing either a play, dance or song for your entertainment. After the showcase parents will be invited to look at our amazing art. We look forward to showing you what we have come up with!

Netherby School Staff

Tip For Parents

Give your child every opportunity to read to you daily. Ten minutes of reading five times a week = 50 minutes of reading time a week.

If you did this for a minimum of 35 weeks a year we have your child engaging in text for 29 hours extra every year! That 29 hours helps your child read better because they do more miles, are exposed to many words, and importantly are exposed to many ideas through the text.

It is a win - win for all concerned!

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3 Way Conference - Tuesday 30 July from 1pm - 6.30pm and Wednesday 31st July from 3.15 - 6.30pm.

  3 Way Conferences Our 3 way conferences are scheduled for Term 3 on Tuesday 30 July from 1pm - 6.30pm and Wednesday 31st July from 3.15 - ...

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